Making Your Own Art

I love looking at other people’s creations. Art is so subjective, not everyone sees it in the “same light”. I’ve personally had a lot of artful hobbies over the years; beading, making Fimo clay beads, painting vases, making my own greeting cards, scrapbooking, and of course photography. The thing about photography is that I always thought the “awesome” photos that other people took just came out that way… they had a magical talent for capturing just the right image at just the right time with just the right lighting and composure, yada, yada, yada. I was always striving to get anything close to that “in camera”, meaning without any editing or tweaking. It’s almost impossible! I did discover, however, that the closer you can get right out of the gate, the less editing you have to do to get that “perfect shot”. I also discovered that you can take an ordinary photo of something, like this flower, and turn it into something magical with a little help  from an editing program like Photoshop. The moral of the story is… Don’t be intimidated by what you think you can’t do. Just DO! because beauty is in the eye of the “subjective” beholder.  

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